A Day in the Life of a CIIC Intern


Name: Tirta 

Major: Marketing

Year: Senior, graduating May 2019

Before interning with CIIC, I was very uncertain about what career path I wanted to pursue after graduation. Given that I am a senior, I have taken countless marketing classes at college yet I still did not know what I wanted to do. I did not have that moment where the mental lightbulb went off in realizing my passions.

The only way for you to truly self-actualize is through experience. 

Needless to say, after the first few weeks interning at CIIC, my life was ultimately changed. Being exposed to public relations and the communications aspect of marketing gave me that moment of realizing… I really loved it! Having that hands-on experience educated me more than I had ever learned in my classes. On my first day, I was immediately welcomed into the hands of the CIIC team. They treated me as an equal, and I instantly felt like I was home. 

CIIC taught me how to be the most creative quick-thinker you can be. 

Every day is so drastically different and exciting. One day you could be planning pop-up events and calling news stations. The next day you could be working on press releases and brainstorming new ideas for clients. Other days you could be talking to famous influencers and sending them invitations. Hospitality is an industry that is always trending and never loses style. CIIC works with your internal strengths and helps awaken talents you never thought you had. Even though I was working from the New York office, the impact of my work stretched across to Miami, Mexico and beyond! Nothing was more rewarding than putting in all of this dedication and seeing your hard work come to life. 

When I came into CIIC, I was unsure of so many things and the person I was. After interning for four months, I have transformed into a more knowledgeable and confident person. You are inspired every day by the CIIC team and they believe in the potential you possess. With special thanks to Carolyn and Alexa mentoring me, I know now that public relations is the career I want to pursue for the rest of my life! 

If you’re interested in interning with CIIC, please email mlabadie@ciicnews.com

CIIC Blog, CareersMarissa L