CIIC Is A Proud Member of Tribe Global

CIIC is a proud member of Tribe Global - an alliance of creative agencies from around the world. tribeglobalwhiteCarolyn Izzo Integrated Communications (CIIC) is a proud member of Tribe Global, a network of 23 agencies from around the world including Europe, Asia, North, Central and South America who share a common culture and a different way of doing business. Along with the other esteemed members of Tribe Global who are owner-run and managed, CIIC's main focus is the client. CIIC provides clients with an active, out-of-the-ordinary style and personable service for success-driven results and lasting relationships - all essential components of Tribe Global's mission. It’s one of the main reasons CIIC was thrilled to be accepted into this creative community – the collaborative approach to working with clients is reinforced by joining forces with fellow other Tribe Global members.

“We are working very closely with each of our members daily,” says Carolyn Izzo-Feldman, president of CIIC. “We’re sharing ideas, best practices, and work. Having a global reach only strengthens our own core values and expands our services for all of our clients to benefit from.”

While Tribe Global is very interested in expanding their network into new countries around the globe, there is a strict recruitment process to ensure that when new members are selected, they share the same innovative principles, practices and goals. To learn more about Tribe Global please visit: